Cultural Connections
The senior women from Bana Yirriji Art Centre and Hope Vale Arts in Far North Queensland are passionate about reviving their traditional weaving skills. This is Guugu Yimithirr country.
Cultural Connections: a women’s weaving camp - directed, shot and edited by Alex Smee
The senior women from these art centres learned to weave when they were young girls, watching their mothers, grandmothers and aunties create baskets, dilibags and kitchen utensils, using local grasses and vines. But in the intervening years, work and family obligations filled their days.
The National Museum of Australia (NMA) and the Indigenous Art Centre Alliance (IACA) partnered to deliver a women’s cultural maintenance camp, so the women would have a chance to practice and share the skills they have kept safe in their memories all this time. I was asked to record this journey.
Lila Creek - Lomandra grass and recycled fabric
Photo by Geraldine Henrici
I followed the ladies and some young artists to Brisbane to see the weaving work of their old people in museum and gallery collections. Then we headed back to FNQ for a four day weaving camp on Binthi Warra Country. The ladies were so generous, sharing their knowledge of traditional skills with each other and experimenting with contemporary materials brought along by facilitator and artist, Aly de Groot.
It was a challenge to capture the passion these ladies have for their weaving through my camera. It wasn’t something I could record in any one moment—it was a feeling that built silently, over the long hours of twisting fibres, cups of tea and conversations—over, under, and in between. I hope you discover some of that passion in this video story, and the beautiful baskets created by the women on this camp.
Photo by Geraldine Henrici
The women’s cultural maintenance camp was supported by NMAs Cultural Connections Program. The camp program was designed and delivered by the ever dedicated IACA staff.
“Alex approaches every task with deep consideration, her attention to detail instils you with absolute confidence that your project is in good hands.”
— Geraldine Henrici - Project Coordinator, Indigenous Art Centre Alliance